Saturday, March 27, 2010

taking it one day at a time

Today is another icky day outside.  So much for sleeping in today.  What to do, what to do?  I asked my boy what he wanted to do today and ofcourse all he wants to do is play with his new toys.  He got a new remote control car last night and he is absolutely in love with it.  So, im going to let him play with it for a bit, but i need to come up with something to keep him busy, but still learning and being educated at the same time.  I never like to look on baby websites for ideas or anything like that because the people that actually make them up don't even have kids themselves.  The best thing i could have ever done was start this blog so i can get advice from real parents who have experienced it themselves.  Please comment and leave me some ideas on what to do to keep my 3 year old busy, so i can give some attention to my baby.  thanks for reading guys


  1. so, i finally figured out what im going to do with my 3 yr old today. As me and him were cleaning the playroom we came across a toy story memory game that he got for christmas. I tried teaching him how to play it a few months back but he didn't really grasp the concept at that time. he just kept on flipping all the cards over to find matches. Finally, today i took some extra time with him on teaching him exactly how to play properly and by following rules. he asked me, mom, what does rules mean? I explained to him. I started with only 6 cards, so 3 pairs, so it would be easier for him. I went first, then he went, ofcourse he didn't get the match at his first try, but after a few tries he actually got it. i added a couple more pairs of cards so he could keep practicing. At the end I asked him what he learned and he says i learned how to play toy loves to learn new games, but he does not like to pay attention so much, so what i do is i try to make it more intersting and challenging for him. he really likes the idea of getting a prize for everything he does good or right. he is even happy with stickers, so why not, if thats what it takes for him to want to learn, then so be it.

  2. Making my own play dough with the kids is the best way to beat the cloudy is the recipe: Enjoy!

  3. Don't put that remote control car too far away, that teaches him fine motor skills, hand eye co-ordination too. The memory games are great too, They have the ABC and 123 books for younger children too, letting them just color in the letters and numbers teaches fine motor skills as well. Kevin never wanted to learn his abc's or 123's. I asked him why, he told me that if he learned them then he would have to go to school and I would be left all alone at home. He's sooo sweet!!
